Sunday, April 4


"i want your loving and i want your revenge, me and you could write a bad romance.. woah woah woah..." so I kind of like neglected my blog and I feel bad because I had the time and I had things to blog about but I just didn't feel like blogging. I need to wash my hair BAD it's been less than a week like 4 days since I've washed it but still my dandruff is taking over. But I'm soo lazy that I want to wash it 'till tomorrow after school so my hair is going to look rough all day at school :) It's not like I care though because my hair looked rough today and T-bear saw me and it didn't seem like he minded. Oh gosh I had the most amazing thing happen to me recently and it was just ohmyGAWD but it's one of those things that only certain people would enjoy. It was like getting your favorite ice cream and it being amazingly good then half way through it, it's just like THAT much better then once you start getting to the bottom, you don't want it to end but you know that you can't take anymore of your amazing ice cream so you hurry up and finish eating it then you're just like okay that was great and you want more at a later time. You'll just have to know what I was talking about to fully understand. [get your mind out of the gutter, though] But T-BEAR FREAKING HIT MY EAR TODAY. Like head-butted my ear. It was horrible. I jumped up and ran around screaming and holding my ear and everyone was really worried about me because they didn't know what had happened so they were all, "C'aria, what's wrong?!!" and all I could do was jump around. I was forcing back tears, it was horrible. My face is breaking out beyond bad and I hate it ): I wish I was one of the people who never got acne, I would be happy. I don't even know what to really write about in here.. I know I was trying to be really nice by posting something where everyone could see and then it was like it wasn't even appreciated. I mean damn. Once this summer comes there is no guaranteeing who I'll be friends with or what'll I'll be doing let alone next year. So, yeah, as far as I know, that was the last time I am seeing you in a long ass time. But then again you probably don't even care. Oh well. I hate it when my friends start getting closer to people I introduce them to. It pisses me off. Then when they aren't friends with the person I introduced them to in the first place they come crawling back to me because they know no matter what I'll be there. I hate that about myself. I am so far sticking to my not talking to people who really don't care about me thing. I only text/call/talk to four people now. And I'm content with that. I don't have to worry about my phone blowing up from people who just don't give a shit about me or my feelings. I hate that school is tomorrow and that I'm going to have to see fake ass friends again. As you can probably tell, I'm not in a good mood. Good night little readers.

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