Saturday, June 19

Can't you just get over it?

I only know of a few people that I've actually trusted with my life and I guess that means I'm not the one to trust, easily but the truth is: Whenever I do give someone my trust, they mess it up not only for themselves but for the next person, too. I don't even know why I just typed that.. I guess I feel betrayed. I am listening to music and it is really helping me blog, the way I use to.. Not just random things but things that actually need to get out. Things I need to vent. I hate people who drink. Especially teenagers. It is not cute. It makes the most intelligent girl look sleazy and easy. It makes you look dumb, especially when you post pictures of it all over Facebook. Do you find that attractive? Is it 'cool' to get so drunk that you cannot even remember what happened the day before? Oh, but wait you joke around about that. It's funny to you. If I offend someone by what I post then I'm sorry, well not really because this is my place to vent. I started job searching, again.. But I really do think I'm going to give up.. There is no point. I really don't have anything else to say, atm.. I have to start getting dressed.

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