Saturday, June 26


lmao, while uploading pictures on FB I thought of PC4PC which is a Myspace thing and it really made me l-o-l. Myspace was so.. idk how to explain it. Everyone wanted picture comments, messages, comments on their page, comments to their bulletins, tags in pictures -- it was a lot to keep up with. Facebook is simple, kinda, all I really want is likes or comments on my status(s) but I won't go begging for them by posting statuses fifty million times. I don't see how people still keep up with Myspace, I got on mine a few weeks ago and it's just ANNOYING. I realized today that I am semi-pretty like I can really turn heads but it's just taken me a long time to finally accept that 'cause I know people are always telling me that I'm pretty. Self esteem issues are nothing to play with. I'm ready for tomorrow -- dinner celebration with mom and best friend (I think it's safe to say that) for our ACT scores! Ugh, I have been annoying on Twitter because I really want Justin Bieber to RT or follow me ! I think I'd die if he actually did though but still it'd be awesome. So, if you follow me on Twitter, I do apologize but I'm not stopping anytime soon... I may even turn into those girls that are all, "So what are the chances that @justinbieber would tweet me back?" 'cause I know some girl did that today & he actually tweeted her ! And after I do if I do accomplish a RT or follow I'm moving on to Lady Gaga which may be harder -- haha I'm going to be doing this for years. I think blogging is kind of boring now though because I'm posting my thoughts up here but I get no comments, no acknowlegments that they are being read or that anyone actually cares; I could stick to Tumblr for that. I guess I just have to find more people with blogs and find more people to follow me.. Find people for me little readers? I'd love you forever..

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