Friday, June 18

summer work and boyfriends.

I feel extremely stressed out and I don't know if it is from doing so much summer work or because of the boyfriend. I kind of do not want to actually go into detail about what exactly is going on but I need to let it out, bad. Well lately I've been feeling like a really really really bad girlfriend and it's mainly because of the fact I don't take the time out of my day to go see my boyfriend? At least that's how it seems.. When really I just don't have time or if I do have time I don't have transportation. But this whole us not seeing each other is really causing things between me and him to be --horrible. I hate it. Then summer work is making me want to pull out all of my hair and go crazy. I am soooo behind. I feel like a slacker :/ and I guess I should listen to one of my teachers because I am seriously way to hard on myself. I am close to tears right now because of the fact I feel so bad about being so behind on my work. I am going to pick up the pace, fast. That means I'm going to end this little readers and start on my summer work.

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