Thursday, March 11

new phone..

"next time you point a finger, i may have to bend it backwards or break it break it off..." I honestly hate exams more than anything.. I am not prepared for my my french nor chemistry exam which pretty much means I'm screwed tomorrow... & the bad thing is I'm not even trying to study for them. I feel like a failure. Ugh, my cramps are getting WORSE & it's bothering me to the point where I don't want to move. I'm blogging from my other phone because my touch phone pretty much died today. I couldn't do anything not even dial out... so, yeah it was time to retire that phone. I made a freaking 99 on my trig exam ! & I know you're probably thinking that's great or whatever but there was another girl who deserved like a low 90 because she missed 3 1/2 questions but the teacher let her change her answers (wtf?) & I couldn't change my ONE little mistake.. So, she got a 98 + 10 points making her end trig with a 100. That pisses me off, seriously. I'm not even sure how long this blog is going to turn out I keep texting & stuff so I have no clue. This morning I had a nice conversation with someone I greatly missed having in my life... I hope that means something, I dunno? Tomorrow I may be hanging with T-bear's sister! If their mother allows (which I doubt) but I still think the possibility of it, is awesome. I have a feeling something bad is going on... but I can't quite put my finger on it... hmmm. Oh well. I'm on the phone right now & I honestly do feel rude because I'm blogging in their ear but I need to get this ramble posted. Ah, tomorrow is the last day for me to buy my class shirt (gasp) maybe I should get $$ from the mother tonight. I hate it when people text me as if they are going to start a conversation then bam they don't text back. That really upsets me. This is all over the place & I can't get my thoughts in order, unfortunately. But OMG today I almost got into a car accident ): It wouldn't have been my fault but I would've gotten smashed... & probably been extremely hurt -_-

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